Bird talk

Do people talk with birds? Do some of us truly talk out loud to birds? Of course! Ok, ok, yeah, maybe some of you think that we who talk with birds (and mammals and many other “people”) maybe we’re a little loose in the noggin, a little left of center, a little off the beaten track. And maybe we are. But we’re happy. 🙂 There are a good number of humans who like to talk with all sorts of animals.

One of my favorite blogs is written by a woman who listens to and understands what birds are saying, and what many other “people” (other animals) are saying as well. She’s pretty amazing.

Now that I’m back at home after that amazing trip to see the volcano (Mount St. Helens), I’ve been able to take time to catch up on my internet viewing, including catching up on this woman’s blog posts.

Here is just one photo of hers from one of my all-time favorite blog posts of hers …

I swear this kid eats like a horse.

Here is the link to that blog post of hers that includes the photo above … this just might be my favorite blog post of hers … LINK.

In all of her blog posts, this friend of mine (Dawn) italicizes the words of the birds, and other animals, so you can tell when the birds are talking vs. when my friend Dawn is simply typing her own words, her own voice.

Read that blog post and find out what birds really do say … and what other critters say, too. No need to read the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal or The Guardian (in England) or the Globe and Mail (in Canada) or the PhilStar (in the Philippines) … just listen to birds, they know what’s important.

It might be kind of sneaky of me to write a blog post that simply includes someone else’s blog post that the other person obviously spent a great deal of time composing. But I really do love Dawn’s work … her photography and her imagination. Oh, er, I mean her listening skills! 🙂

Thanks, Dawn. 🙂


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12 Responses to Bird talk

  1. Dawn King says:

    Oh you crack me up! I was reading this and thinking, well I talk to birds all the time…and then I find out it’s me you’re talking about! LOL I laughed out loud. Yes, I liked this image of the big black birds too. I love my birds…they’re out there right now making a fuss because I haven’t been out to fill up their feeders. Breakfast is late!!

    • Ann says:

      Ha! Gotcha again Dawn. 🙂 I love your blog posts, your photos, your writing. Feed those birds! 🙂

  2. Kristi says:

    I talk to birds, other critters, and trees sometimes! We are all connected and it always warms my heart to hear from others who are the same! I just recently stumbled across your blog after realizing there was another someone who named their travel trailer Towhee! Looking forward to checking out Dawn’s blog, while I watch our bird families from my favorite seat.

    • Ann says:

      Whoa, you named your trailer Towhee!? Clever woman! 🙂 Do you have an online blog or Facebook account or website that you’d be willing to share here? I’d be happy to “approve” it so the link shows if you do. And yes, I talk with trees too, and they sometimes answer quite clearly. Isn’t this world wonderful?

  3. Tina T says:

    Hey, I talk with birds! Something wrong with talking with birds? 🙂
    I’ve been looking at Dawn’s blog and I love it. Just enough different from yours, Ann, that I’m going to keep watching both of them. Kind of nice that they are from different parts of the country too. Thanks to both of you.

    • Ann says:

      Nothing wrong with talking with birds in my book, Tina. 🙂 Thanks for commenting … and yes do follow Dawn’s blog too, it’s terrific.

  4. Henry says:

    The sunrise photos were incomparable, truly wonderful. And this poste talking about birds and how they talk , well, I talk with my birds in my garden patio all the time. My wife did too. They seem so much more clever and smarter that I am. Dawn’s blog is lovely and I will be following it as well. Thank you Ann, so kind.

    • Ann says:

      Thank you, Henry. I feel the same way that you do about birds … they seem so much smarter than I am. Let’s keep listening and talking with them, maybe we’ll get smarter too.

  5. M&M says:

    Fun photos! And how nice that you don’t compete but actually highlight someone else’s work that you admire. We too talk with our birds. 🙂

    • Ann says:

      Yep, I gave up competing many years ago, I just want to be me and then enjoy everyone else. Thanks, M&M.

  6. Lori says:

    That was fun, and true to life! Animals do talk; it’s just that most humans don’t learn their languages. I’ve never been sure that we humans are as smart as we think we are. 🙂

    • Ann says:

      Exactly, Lori! We humans maybe aren’t as bright as we think we are. Animals (like dogs and cats) seem to be able to learn what we are saying, but we mostly don’t have a clue about their language. They learn to mimic us in order to communicate with us. We should learn to talk “dog” or “bird” … but can we? Hmmmm. 🙂

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