Camping, Bremerton, an afternoon in camp

July, 2021

In my last blog post, I spent the morning at Illahee State Park, driving through the campground and then I spent a great deal of time hanging out at the beach. Then I headed back to my trailer at my boondocking spot and had lunch. Must admit, I then had a nap. 🙂

The day was luxurious. They sky so blue. Everything was so perfect. So I simply relaxed and went for a walk around the neighborhood. I won’t show personal information, addresses and such, but the photos below show where I was camped and it was just perfect.

As mentioned before, the land owned by my host went all the way to the blacktop, so I was parked on private land. There was one problem one evening, when some guests of people across the street parked their cars RIGHT behind me, and I do mean within a foot or two of that spare tire on my trailer, and then they proceeded to hang out and talk loudly about all things that mattered to them. I didn’t want to cause trouble, but I didn’t need to. My host came outside and told them to leave and said she had already called the police and a tow truck … she was angry, no doubt about it. They left. The next evening, she invited me onto her patio for an evening beverage and I thanked her profusely for chasing off the interlopers. She was the best of hosts. I’ll be back for another stay here.

Initially, before I arrived here, I had concerns about how quiet it would be parked right alongside a street. But here are photos showing the neighborhood. Except for that one snaggly hour or so, my entire time here was so wonderfully quiet!







Back inside the trailer ….

Here below is the newest addition to Towhee the Trailer.

I have a house, that I own. But I have this other home too, Towhee the Trailer, and she always keeps me safe and warm, and she always makes me smile. 🙂


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12 Responses to Camping, Bremerton, an afternoon in camp

  1. Kristin Michael says:

    Looks idyllic to me!

  2. Susan Kelly says:

    I’ve used Boondockers Welcome for three years now and always avoided towns and cities. Guess I’ll change my ways and try out some quiet residential neighborhoods, this one looks really great.

  3. Melly says:

    Love it! Thanks for your honesty and transparency in writing your blog! Love your new little sign ❣

  4. Wanda says:

    Wish we had had Boondockers Welcome when we were active Rvers. What a great resource. You had a great host in Bremerton for that little problem, she was all over it!

  5. Tim in Montana says:

    I love that little sign in your trailer … home is where you park it. We’ve been thinking about selling the monster motorhome since we haven’t used it in two years. But we sure know the feeling of “home is where you park it” and all the fun you have in all sorts of places. It’s hard to let go.

    • Ann says:

      It was so hard when I sold my last boat, Tim, so I think I understand a bit of the difficulty of deciding whether to sell the motorhome. Maybe you should take it out for a spin first, and see what the rig tells you.

  6. Jim&Janey says:

    We like that little sign too. That’s just how we feel about our rig. I found the sign online and have ordered one just like yours. 🙂

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