I’m going camping!!

Yes, believe it! I can’t hardly believe it myself! But it’s true, I’m going. Whoop! 🙂

The Governor of the State of Washington opened up state campgrounds just a week or so ago, and has allowed private campgrounds to open as well. I looked around online a bit, but found all campgrounds were pretty much full of everyone else like me who wanted desperately to go camping. So I started looking three and four (and five) weeks into the future, only to find that campgrounds were still pretty much full, and sometimes completely full. Well drat.

But something kept niggling at me. Eventually I gave in to the niggling and I looked at a small campground that I’d been wanting to go to since last autumn. I started looking at their calendar several weeks from now, hoping things might be cleared out by then, but they were full then too. Fooey. But something STILL kept niggling at me. So I looked online at that same campground for openings just a very few weeks from now … holy cow, they had a few spaces open. And then I held my breath as I typed in my favoritest campsite there (#17) and holy smokes that very campsite was empty … empty! for an entire week! I clicked on “reserve” as fast as I could and paid my money quick as a bunny.

I’m going camping!!

So now I need to finish prepping the trailer. The first step is to remove the cover so I can get at that trailer. You’ll remember photos of the trailer and her cover where she’s been parked this past winter.

As of today, however, that cover is off … gone … removed!

Towhee the Trailer also got a quick bath today and she now sparkles!

I have a few things to do yet before we can leave. I need to check the trailer brakes, and all of the tanks and their fittings (screws and bolts and such) under the trailer to make sure all of that is secure. I need to prep the fresh water tank by filling it with water and a small amount of chlorine … run that mixture through the hoses to each sink/shower outlet … let all of that sit like that for a few hours … then drain it and refill the system with fresh water (no chlorine) and run that fresh water through the system until there is no chlorine smell … then top off the tank again. I’ll put a good coat of wax on the front of the trailer, so bugs will wash off easily. Then I’ll make a grocery list and gather up my clothes and books and camera and such … and oh my gosh, I’m actually really truly going camping. 🙂

Just to make sure you don’t think I’ve been sitting around the house doing nothing for the past several months, here are a few photos of a houseplant of mine that blossomed not long ago. Since I’ve been home a LOT lately, I’ve been giving my plants (inside and outside) extra care and attention. This one particular plant has blossomed in previous years, but nothing like it did this year. Maybe my extra attention and ministrations paid off.

The plant and its blossom started out quite nicely, and normally. Look at the plant on the right and you’ll see a small vertical white/yellow thing in the middle of the dark green stalks. Oh good, a flower … that will be pretty.


And then one day, that tall yellow/pink thing began to bloom … with not one, but three blossoms.

Oh my … and now there are more!

I could see five buds/blossoms above. And yet it kept on budding and blossoming!

Look at all of the buds and flowers in the photo above. I counted 18.


It was spectacular. The buds continued to open up over a period of a few weeks. The plant certainly was happy. And I was too. In the end, I was aware that if I had gone camping earlier in the year I might well have missed this spectacular event. I’m glad I stayed home.

But, oh boy, I can’t hardly wait to go camping. Did I mention that I’m going camping? 🙂 Rest assured, I will tell you all about it.


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15 Responses to I’m going camping!!

  1. Steve W says:

    Hooray you are going, good news!

  2. Ruby Begonia says:

    Hi Ann. I notice you did not say what the name of the plant is so if you don’t know, I can help you out. It is a clivia miniata. It originated in southern Africa and is now common in many parts of the world either as an indoor houseplant or as an outdoor plant in warmer climates. Your photos look like yours get lots of sun which surprises me because usually they do best in shade. It is commonly called a natal lily or bush lily. Don’t let any of the flower petals or leaves fall where animals or small children could get them because the plant is slightly poisonous. Don’t eat the leaves! ha! Yours is a beauty!

    • Ann says:

      Thank you Ruby. I did not know what this plant is, but now I do. These three plants have been in a house where they did not get direct sun and not one of the three of them put out any buds or blooms. In a prior home to that one (and then here too) they were/are in full direct western sun and they appear to love it. Who knows? 🙂

  3. Making us jealous about getting out in the trailer.
    That flower looks beautiful. They say talking to them helps.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the camping trip.

    It’s about time.

    • Ann says:

      I hope talking to the flowers is a good thing since I do that. I talk to myself too, hope that’s a good thing too. ha!
      Hope you folks are doing well Richard. My thoughts are with you.

  4. Dawn King says:

    Camping!!!! Yours is the second blog I’ve read this morning that says they’re going camping! I’m excited for you. Katie and I are still sleeping in the tent in the back yard. She loves it so, she starts whining at the back door if we haven’t gone to bed by 9. Silly girl. I have made a camping reservation for mid=August hoping that I can go. We’ll see. The biggest issue I will have is having to use the public restrooms. I can’t wait to read about your trip!

    • Ann says:

      I laughed out loud … now that I know I’m going camping, I too stand by the door and whine. Katie is one smart cookie.

  5. robin says:

    Hurray for camping! Towhee will get out and do what she is meant to do. I think she is even excited for the road trip.
    Enjoy the journey, the fresh air, and maybe a slice of pie for a dessert treat – you deserve it after all the work of prepping the trailer.

    • Ann says:

      I visited the trailer late yesterday afternoon to update some of the supplies … I swear the tires have rotated and that trailer is closer to the exit gate.
      PIE! Oh thank you … in fact, the small town near this campground has a grocery store with home-baked pie for sale. And I bet they have ice cream too. Oh yum yum yum.

  6. Lori says:

    Great news! I can imagine your excitement about going camping Ann. And the flowers are gorgeous. that second to the last photo seems like a real art photo.

  7. Kristin says:


  8. Arlene says:

    Here’s one to add to your list. This is a Clallam County Park bordering the Dungeness Spit Refuge. The campsites are spaced with nice vegetation buffers between them for privacy, with nice trails through the uplands of thepark (one of our favorite local spots), and the spit is right there for long beach walks. http://www.clallam.net/Parks/Dungeness.html. No camping right now, but someday.

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