Deception Pass, day 4 more

October, 2017

Where am I?

Some of you have emailed me and asked where exactly I am on that north end of Whidbey Island, because you want to go there too.  Well let me tell you!  🙂

Here is a map with colored arrows.  Check below this map to find out what each arrow is pointing to.

First off, the RED STAR is where I’m camped with my travel trailer.  It is cozy and quiet and I am surrounded by lovely evergreen trees.  The camp sites immediately adjacent to mine are empty but there are plenty of people a few spaces away.  Everyone has been so courteous about setting up camp one or two campsites away from the nearest neighbor.

The YELLOW ARROW over on the left is West Beach which is where I was with Little Towhee (the stuffed bird) on my first evening here … and where I will be again for some sunsets coming in a post soon.

The GREEN ARROW is the beach I was on when the kayakers and paddle-boarders launched off the beach and headed out towards the Pass.

The BLUE ARROW is the beach I drove to on day 3 where I was so close to the middle point of Deception Pass and where I took the video of the current running through the Pass.

The RED ARROW is where I’ll be going later this morning (day 4).  It’s another campsite that was originally a private campground but became part of the State Park.  I don’t take photos of the campground but of something else there that you will love.  Just you wait! 🙂

So that’s where I am.  Please do feel free to ask questions in the comment section below.  If you are wondering about something, then it’s a good bet that other folks are too.

The color of the whole world and how it changes ….

Also, to better answer the question that came from reader Tim’s wife about whether that first photo yesterday was black and white photography or just the natural color of the light, take a look at the two photos below.

The first photo is almost the identical same view across Cranberry Lake as that photo in yesterday’s post, but this one below was taken in late morning as I was driving back to my campsite for lunch.  By then, it was a bright sunny day.

The second photo below is that photo from yesterday’s blog post, from my early morning walk in the fog.  And no, it was not taken with black and white film nor with my digital camera on a black and white setting.  That’s really how the world looked at that moment.

Both views are beautiful, just different from each other.  I kind of prefer the grey one actually.  There’s mystery in that one, and peace, and some sort of comfort.  I can imagine the call of a Loon in the second photo below.



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4 Responses to Deception Pass, day 4 more

  1. Ginger D says:

    Your pictures are always beautiful. Have you taken photography lessons?

    • Ann says:

      Thank you Ginger. I sure like that you like my photographs. 🙂 I’ve not taken photography lessons although I’ve thought about doing that. I do look at other people’s photos, with an eye to which compositions are pleasing to me, which compositions create energy or calmness, etc. And I have a camera that I love, not a professional one by any means, but I’m very pleased with it. I do wish I had purchased a longer telephoto lens however. But then, there’s always another toy to buy isn’t there?

  2. Sondra says:

    What a lovely park it is! I do like the foggy version of the photo it has so much mood going on…I need a new camera and have been hanging onto my old one due to $…but it’s still working so far (knock on good wood) …and I have a spare that is great for landscape shots…it’s the bird photography I need a good crisp focus for.

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