Mardon, faces in the rock

May, 2022

In the most recent blog post, I shared a closeup photo of some lava rock and said that I saw several faces in the rock. Lots of you folks chimed in and said you saw way more faces in that rock than I did.

So here is that photo. I’ve circled the faces that I now see in RED. I now find 18 faces, but only because you made me look again. Let me know if I’ve missed any. 🙂

Thanks for joining the hunt. Oh wait, no, I think I see one more!!! Tell me if you see more.

UPDATE: Because of all the comments from the last blog post, and the comments below, I have now circled ALL 30 faces. Besides human faces, there are at least … two horses, a cougar, an elephant, a dog/cat, a meerkat, a rabbit, a monkey, a rhinoceros, etc. Don’t miss the two-headed orange lizard/fish on the right side. And don’t miss the little lizard person in the lower right corner.


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12 Responses to Mardon, faces in the rock

  1. Henry says:

    I see two more faces that aren’t circled. What do I do? One is up near the top, ever so slightly to the right of center. The other is on the left side further towards the bottom. This is a great puzzle! 🙂

  2. Nebraska says:

    I see two more too that aren’t circled. I think I see the one Henry sees up near the top, just to the right of center, it’s a small green face. And then I see another one towards the bottom too, but the one I see is just to the left of center.

  3. Fritzi says:

    Does anyone else see the person just below the largest circle, with the top of his head nearly touching the red line? He has very deep set eyes and green around his mouth. At the base of his neck is the the head of a small dog that he seems to be cradling to his chest. Above and to the left, right up against the small, red circle, is the profile of what looks like a large cat (lioness? ) with its mouth open.
    I haven’t figured out all the circled ones yet. 🤔 I’m sure it must be a matter of perception and perspective. 😉

  4. Greg Schellen says:

    This is fun. I see that face near the top just to the right of center too, a small green face. Boy, I wouldn’t have seen half the faces you have circles, but I see them now. And I think I see Fritzi’s face too, his head is tilted?

    • Fritzi says:

      Yes, to the left. Do you see the dog? Or the cat? They were all so clear to me when I posted, but later I looked again and they were far less obvious. Perception or perspective?!! 😀

      • Greg Schellen says:

        Yes, with the right eye partially obscured? And a large head or a bald head? And yes, the dog/cat/whoever on the person’s chest.
        But now, immediately to the right of that guy (or to that guy’s left depending on perspective), there is a tusked boar sort of animal, just it’s head, right next to the first head. Didn’t see it until I enlarge the photo. Like Ann said, they are watching!

  5. Jim&Janey says:

    I am fascinated by detail like this, by imagery, by imagination, by what we see and what the images mean, how they feel to us. There are two red circles where I can’t see the face that you can, Ann, and yet there are five other faces that I see … one of them I swear is Mozart. Ha! 🙂

  6. Ann says:

    Wow, you folks have great eyes! I now see ten MORE faces than are circled, but only because you pointed most of them out, and then my imagination got me going again and I spotted a couple more. So that’s 28 faces just in this one small portion of lava rock. Next time you’re around a bunch of rocks, or clouds, or even tree foliage, keep your eyes open and don’t turn your back. They are watching! 🙂

  7. Helllllooooo! So nice to see your adventures! Your rv trailor looks lush by the way! Love n hugs from us in Europe!

    • Ann says:

      Hi Lisa!!! So nice to see you (all three of you) too! 🙂 My caravan was built in Canada, by Escape Trailer Industries, in Chilliwack, British Columbia … the caravan is excellent, it is wonderful.
      Please follow along here for as long as you’d like, comment, tell a joke (you’re good at that!), etc. You know how these blogs work.
      To my readers: … the blog “Together We Roam” is linked on the right side of every blog page here. They had a narrowboat for many years and blogged about that. I do miss their narrowboat, I do.
      Love and hugs from here to yous too … 🙂

  8. Paul Dahl says:

    That is too funy! What a great imagination you have. Or lots of free time on your hands. :cD

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